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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

5 Day Weekend

I just got back from a five day weekend and I'm tired as hell right now sitting here in first period Wednesday morning at good ol' 8 o'clock in the morning. Over the weekend I didn't do anything special, or, lets just say, "adventurous" like I know some people did. No I spent all my time for 15 hours a day volunteering at a local baseball tournament. The main thing that I like about it is that since I have been volunteering there for so many hours now I have a more important role than most parents who volunteer.I spend most of my time raking fields, running the snack bar, and watching games. On the good side I now have around 75 hours of community service which is far more than the 30 required to graduate (and if I ever felt like being in the National Honors Society than I would be able to), so if any of my classmates who need hours are willing to pay enough I will give some of my hours away, I'm thinking about $10 an hour. Anyway, the other thing that I did was to finally after over a month get my driver's permit which is good because now I can drive legally. I also spent a lot of time hanging out with friends who were working at the tournament or hanging out by the pool that is right next to the tournament fields. So, my weekend wasn't completely dull, it was definitely worth it and now I'm done with community service hours through college so now I have a lot more free time to add to all the free time I currently have now.

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